Silly kids.... Ben-Ben (as he calls himself) decided that he would try a different way to play the harmonica one day....
Hope you enjoy!
~ My Thoughts ~....
Monday, November 10, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008

If you were going to define faithfulness, as Paul uses it in the N.T., how would you do it? Well, if you looked in the dictionary, you would find a technical definition that says, "To follow through with a commitment regardless of difficulty." I would go even further to state that faithfulness is not something that is of works, it is something that essentially hinges upon what we value as important combined with our commitment to it. ( Meaning sticking to it!)
I have to share something that I have been thinking about alot lately : The topic of faithfulness; Faithfulness to God. Although lately, my thoughts seem to be leaning more towards what people think constitutes faithfulness for another person. This is something that I have thought about for a long time, and unfortunately something that we cannot escape. We are bombarded every day with messages from our society of how we should be. But are they right?
How do others measure our faithfulness as a Christian? Is it by how many services we attend at church every week? By how much money we put in the offering plate? By how we dress ourselves? By our choice in entertainment? By the version of the Bible that we use? Does it mean that a person who listens to country music is not saved? What about a woman that does not wear long length skirts to church? What about a man who has longer hair than is the norm? The list could go on and on, but I think you would get my point. Why would a person's faithfulness be based on their works? All of the things listed above do not rely on God and His word! Does God require these things from us to be acceptable to Him? NO! Those things are based on man's traditions and conformity to man's traditions. There are so many ways that people can be and are judged by others for their faithfulness and their salvation is questioned by others because of these things. A Christian's lifestyle or actions could be looked upon as a measure of their growth as a Christian. So, instead of sitting back and judging every move someone makes; love and help should be offered. Not criticism, or condemnation. It most definately is not our place to judge another person's heart. But, when we look upon someone that does not measure up to what WE consider what a Christian should be, we are missing the whole point of how the Brother and Sisterhood of Christianity should be.
In the NT fellow Christians did not meet in big lavish buildings. Nor, did they concern themselves with the latest fashions in clothing, or in having a huge house with an expensive car. We are so Blessed, yet spoiled at the same time. We have everything that we need, and everything that we could possibly want. While God's people in other countries have to struggle to survive day after day. They gather in secret to share God's word becasue they cannot openly proclaim Christ as we can. If they do they risk imprisonment, beatings or even death. When I think of what others have to go through EVERY day just to survive, it makes me realize that alot of what we hold near and dear to us in our society are not what God intends for us to at all.
I am speaking from experience. I have been on the giving and receiving end of judgement. The receiving end is an unimaginable feeling, that I would not want to wish on any other human being. I am ashamed to admit that I have also been in the judger's shoes. But, I do think that my experience has humbled me to the point to where I have to look at my own faults, and admit that I am not perfect. So, therefore I am not qualified to look down upon another person. I make mistakes, and I should never impose that upon anyone else.... That is God's job, not mine.
However, I have also learned that just because someone does not go to church EVERY sunday, EVERY service offered that does not make them less of a Christian. Just because a woman may wear pants to church or even decide to wear a knee length skirt does not negate her modesty. Just because a man has a beard or hair that skims his collar or shoulders does not make him less of a God fearing man. Just because someone listens to country music or Christian Rock does not point out that they are mistaken and not saved. Just because someone does not devote every minute of their free time or monetary resources does not make them less of a God loving Christian. Lastly, I do not judge someone just because they read from an NIV compared to a , NASB or KJV. I know that some or even many may not agree with me. But, I have learned in my short time as a Christian that these things are not what is important in the life of a believer. We are to follow God and not man or the traditions of man. He is who I want to follow and be like, after all He died for ALL not only for a select few.....
Thanks for taking a minute to let me share my heart and thoughts with you all.
Blessings to you all
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